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Romney and Coal or Obama and Wind?

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"Republican Mitt Romney vowed to step up coal production while President Barack Obama mocked him for opposing a windmill tax credit, in a rare debate over energy policy on the campaign trail."

obama romney

Reuters, Steve Holland and Jeff Mason

Republican Mitt Romney vowed to step up coal production and President Barack Obama mocked him for opposing a windmill tax credit, in a rare debate over energy policy on the campaign trail.

Romney staked out a pro-coal stance in eastern Ohio, a mountainous region where he must do well to have a chance to win a swing state that went to Obama in 2008.

Obama took his campaign for re-election to Iowa, a state he won four years ago but which is now flirting with Romney. A big agricultural state, Iowa has enjoyed years of government subsidies for its corn production to make ethanol.

Obama is making a similar case for the state's windmills, saying he supports an extension for tax credits for wind energy manufacturers in Iowa and elsewhere. The tax credits expire at year's end. . .View Full Article

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