Miraculins Inc.


Miraculins Inc. (TSX-V:MOM; OTC:MCUIF) is a medical device company that acquires, develops and commercializes new, noninvasive diagnostic and risk assessment tests. The company's lead programs, the Scout DS® Diabetes Screen and the PreVu® Skin Cholesterol Test, screen for risk of diabetes and coronary artery disease without needles, blood draw, fasting or waiting. Miraculins' business strategy includes leasing and selling medical devices and consumables to hospitals, clinics and physicians' offices, retail testing through pharmacies/grocery chains, and workplace health screenings. Scout DS® and PreVu® are Health Canada cleared and have been CE-Marked for the European Union. PreVu® is FDA cleared and Scout DS® is in FDA pre-submission.

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2024/5/14 1:58:54