
Zack Lynch

Neurotechnology Industry Organization

Image: Zack  Lynch

Zack Lynch is the founder and executive director of the Neurotechnology Industry Organization (NIO), a global trade association representing companies involved in neuroscience, brain research institutes and patient advocacy groups. He spearheads annual meetings in Washington D.C. to advance the NIO agenda on Capitol Hill, including galvanizing support for the National Neurotechnology Initiative, a $1B piece of legislation aimed at accelerating translational neuroscience. He is the author of The Neuro Revolution: How Brain Science Is Changing our World, published by St. Martin's Press. Lynch also co-founded NeuroInsights, a market research and investment advisory firm. He was the publisher of the investment newsletter, Neurotech Insights, and co-author of NeuroInsights 500-page annual investment analysis of the global neurotech industry. He also developed the NASDAQ NeuroInsights Neurotech Index, a stock tracking index for neuroscience companies, and was founder and CEO of HealthRally, a neurosoftware company focused on wellness motivation. Lynch serves on the advisory board of the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT. He has bachelor's degrees in evolutionary biology and Environmental Science, and a master's degree in economic geography, all from UCLA.

Recent Quotes

"AMBS has acquired and is making progress on a very interesting diagnostic for Alzheimer's disease."

The Life Sciences Report Interview with Zack Lynch (10/17/13)
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