
Jeff Grampp

Jeff Grampp is a senior analyst in the research group at C. K. Cooper & Company, a full-service investment bank. Grampp joined C. K. Cooper & Company in 2011 and has been instrumental in publishing research and assisting in covering E&P companies across the firm’s entire oil and gas universe. Grampp is primarily responsible for covering the E&P sector at C. K. Cooper, with a focus on mid- to micro-cap names. He is currently a CFA Level III candidate and is a licensed FINRA broker: Series 7, 63, 86 and 87. He received his master’s degree in business administration from Chapman University, where he also received a bachelor’s degree in business administration and accounting with emphases in finance and marketing.

Recent Quotes

"We are initiating coverage on ENSV with an Outperform rating."

— Jeff Grampp, Northland Capital Partners (9/8/14)
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