
Peter Dupont

Edison Investment Research

Image: Peter Dupont

Peter Dupont has been involved in investment research for 30 years in the industrial and resource sectors. Between 1983 and 1998, he worked for Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) in London covering engineering and metals stocks. In early 1998, Dupont moved to Commerzbank to head its research activity in the European and UK metals and natural resources sector. Between 2005 and 2009, he worked as a consultant analyst for a London-based boutique investment bank, Libertas Capital. Since 2009, Dupont has worked for Edison Investment Research covering the oil and gas sector. Dupont produces regular macro oil and gas studies and covers developments in the "unconventionals" field. He has a Bachelor of Science from the London School of Economics.

Recent Quotes

"If TCF renegotiates the JV so Exxon Mobil carries more of the financing, this would transform the outlook for the company."

The Energy Report Interview with Peter Dupont (12/12/13)
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