Michael Hay

Michael Hay has been with Sagient for more than seven years and has more than 11 years of experience in financial markets. He manages the BioMedTracker analyst team and serves as vice president at Sagient. He is also responsible for product development, corporate planning, and sales and marketing. Hay has consulted for numerous top-tier pharmaceutical companies on strategic decisions, as well as worked closely with top healthcare investment firms providing insight on investment and trading decisions. Hay's career in financial markets began at Thomson Financial in 2000. He reached the position of manager, capital markets intelligence, and was directly responsible for corporate client relationships within the technology sector. At Thomson he consulted for senior management regarding shareholder composition, financial markets and competitive positioning. Hay received a bachelor's degree in finance from University of Colorado, Boulder.
Recent Quotes
"ATHX's MultiStem phase 2 data are going to be very important for investors if the trial is positive for patients."
The Life Sciences Report Interview with Michael Hay
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