
Caroline Corner

Cantor Fitzgerald

Image: Caroline Corner

Dr. Caroline V. Corner, Ph.D., has been a managing director and senior analyst at Cantor Fitzgerald & Co., Research Division, since July 2014. Dr. Corner focuses on equity research of medical technology, ophthalmology and cell therapy companies. Prior to Cantor Fitzgerald, she worked in investor relations at Solazyme Inc. Previously, Dr. Corner served as a managing director and senior research analyst at MLV & Co. LLC. Dr. Corner served as a senior research analyst of regenerative medicine and convergent technologies at Pacific Growth Equities LLC, and worked at Montgomery & Co. LLC, where she served as a senior research analyst covering medical technology companies. She got her start on Wall Street at Wells Fargo Securities LLC as an associate analyst covering medical devices. Prior to working on Wall Street, she held engineering and product development positions at Baxter Transfusion Therapies and Eli Lilly and Co., working in the protein engineering group. Dr. Corner received her Ph.D. in biological and environmental engineering from Cornell University and her bachelor's degree in biological systems engineering at Virginia Tech.

Recent Quotes

"STEM faces large opportunities in the spine and eye markets."

— Caroline Corner, Cantor Fitzgerald (8/6/15)
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