Bernard Siegel

Bernard Siegel is the founder and executive director of Genetics Policy Institute (GPI). He is also the founder and co-chair of a series of global conferences, including the annual World Stem Cell Summit, and founder and editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed World Stem Cell Report. Siegel first became involved with the scientific community when, in 2002, he filed a landmark case seeking a guardian for the alleged clone, "Baby Eve." This case, and the media attention which ensued, allowed Siegel to meet with scientists and policy experts to discuss the need for legal and policy advocates for the scientific community. This led to Siegel's founding of the Genetics Policy Institute and his commitment to advocacy work on behalf of patients, doctors and researchers involved with the regenerative medicine community. Siegel is a native of Richmond, Virginia. He received his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Miami and has been a member of the Florida Bar since 1975.
Recent Quotes
"STEM is a pioneering company dealing with the challenges of cell therapies."
The Life Science Report Interview with Bernie Siegel
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