
Joe Giamichael

Umbrella Research & Advisory

Joe Giamichael is the founder of Umbrella Research & Advisory. He has over a decade of research experience concentrating on small-cap companies. He previously worked as a managing director and a senior research analyst at Global Hunter Securities, covering international and industrial companies. Prior to that, Giamichael was a director of research and senior research analyst at Rodman & Renshaw. His 13 years in financial services include his time with CJS Securities as a senior analyst and managing director, and at Knight Capital, where he was a vice president involved with special situation trading. Giamichael holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Skidmore College.

Recent Quotes

"TRCH's Q2/14 revenues grew over 900% year over year and 155% sequentially."

— Joe Giamichael, Umbrella Research & Advisory (8/19/14)
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