Coverage Initiated on Synthetic Cannabinoid Bioscience Company, an 'Exciting, Undiscovered Story'


Additional Disclosures:

Disclosures from Laidlaw & Company, Therapix Biosciences, Company Report, June 5, 2017

ANALYST CERTIFICATION: The analyst responsible for the content of this report hereby certifies that the views expressed regarding the company or companies and their securities accurately represent his personal views and that no direct or indirect compensation is to be received by the analyst for any specific recommendation or views contained in this report. Neither the author of this report nor any member of his immediate family or household maintains a position in the securities mentioned in this report.

Laidlaw & Company has received compensation from the subject company for investment banking services in the past 12 months and expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services from the company in the next three months.

As of the date of this report, neither the author of this report nor any member of his immediate family or household maintains an ownership position in the securities of the company (ies) mentioned in this report.

Associated persons of Laidlaw & Co (UK), Ltd not involved in the preparation of this report may have investments in securities/instruments or derivatives of securities/instruments of companies mentioned herein and may trade them in ways different from those discussed in this report. While Laidlaw & Co (UK), Ltd., prohibits analysts from receiving any compensation. Bonus or incentive based on specific recommendations for, or view of, a particular company, investors should be aware that any or all of the foregoing, among other things, may give rise to real or potential conflicts of interest.